Pregnant after IF

Living alone now :-( *a little long*

Hey all. Sorry once again for not being around much, computer has been broken and can't post on my phone. Plus I am a 10 month residence director and August is when we start up again and work 16 hours every day, including most weekends, lol, so I will continue to be in and out till Labor Day or so. At least it makes this pregnancy go by faster! I swear being off all summer had me obsessing every minute!

Anyhoo, I posted on and off about this on other boards and a little on this one but DH has been unemployed since late April. With that and me being a 10 month employee we have had barely any income coming in and have spent all our savings on bills because DH just couldn't find work where we are from. So, DH has had to look outside the area and actually found a job he is really excited about right outside NYC. Given our financial situation we just cannot afford to live in the city or Westchester county (at least not in the areas that we can afford and want to safely raise a child in...) plus all our family is here and if we were to have stayed we would have had free daycare. But it's sort of his dream job and the only thing biting for him right now so he took it.

We ended up finding a cute place in CT we liked but with my benefits and time I have saved up I need to stay here and work until baby comes (I will job search down there while on maternity leave). I will see him on Labor Day and for our anniversary and baby shower but that is probably it until the holidays. I know women go through this all the time, but I hate the thought of him not being here when I am pregnant. I am staying strong because at least I have family around here where as he is by himself down there. It just stinks and I have nightmares that something bad will happen or baby will come too early and he won't be here.

No real point to this other then to vent I guess. Anyone else going it alone right now? Like I said, I do have family but with my work schedule which involves a lot of nights and weekends I won't see them much (it is comforting that they are here if I have an emergency though). I will just miss someone being home when I get done with work. Thanks for listening if you made it this far!

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TTC since March/April 2010
DX: MFI - less than 1 million sperm, 26% motility
DH put on anastrozole to increase counts
June/July 2011 100 mg Clomid + TS IUI#1 & IUI 2 - BFN :-(
Forced break due to DH getting spinal surgery in August 2011
IVF - January 2012: BFN
FET in April 2012 - BFP at 6dp5dt! Beta #1 at 9dp5dt: 82.5, Beta #2 at 12dp5dt: 352 Beta #3 at 19dp5dt: 6000, saw heartbeat and one little bean at 5W6D!
After nearly 3 years of waiting our LO was born December 18th 2012!
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