Single Parents

Intro- soon to be single mom

First, I'm on my phone, so forgive lack of formatting. My H of 5 years and I are splitting up. He's moving out at the end of the month. It's nothing dramatic, just one of those sad cases where things just didn't work out. I'm keeping the house we bought a year and a half ago, so money will be tight. I'm most worried about DD, who is 2 and a half. She loves her daddy and, in fact, often prefers him to me. She's going to be absolutely devastated. Our son is 9 months old, so it  will be much easier for him. At this point, everything is very amicable when it comes to custody, splitting our stuff, and child support. Hopefully it continues to stay this way. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. If anyone has any advice to offer on helping Dd cope with the soon to happen disappearance of H from her daily life, I would be so grateful.   Also, please disregard my siggy. I haven't been able to change it for a very long time and gave up quite a while ago. 
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