Single Parents

New single Mom Doubt

Hi, Im 31 with 8 weeks pregnancy. This is my first one and Im single.  So excited and happy about having my baby... but a little scared about doing this by my own.  I have my family's support, but I feel like something its missing.  I know I can do this but still having this doubt.  I do not know if I should insist with the father, not to come back with me, but to take care of the child.  

 I find out I was pregnant 2 weeks after our breakup and he does not want the baby, at least that is what I think because the only option he gave was the abortion. Of course that NEVER cross my mind, but hurt a lot.  That was the last time I talked to him.  But now Im thinking about my baby and that s/he needs a dad. I know that he has a good father's heart, he has more kids, and I saw in his eyes how much he missed them, thats why I can not understand his reaction.... I was thinking to call him and let him know that if he wants, he can be part of my baby's life.  But Im scared that he thinks that what I want is his money or that I want a come back.  Lately I have the feeling that I should do something.  I dont want regrets in the future by doing nothing.  Im so confused.

I want to enjoy my pregnancy... despite the all day morning sickness :) but this situation is hard for me.  

I just finished my College degree and waiting for my License... I have plans and options, I do not want to mess it up specially cause I want to give my baby a wonderful life...

Any suggestions... thanks for reading... saying this make me feel lighter.



PD.. sorry if I misspell something... English is my second language... :) 


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