Pregnant after IF

If You're Still On Endomet.rin ...(PSA)

I get my meds from Mandell's mail order. I was a little disappointed to realize I was going to need an Endo refill to get me to next Friday. I'm lucky enough to have coverage for that med but I do have a $50 copay regardless of whether I take the whole refill or just the 1 box I needed. However, when I called yesterday for the refill, she said "Oh we just got a bunch of coupons for that, so your copay is $0!" So if you're going to need a refill and you're OOP, that's definitely a place to check!! I always donate my leftover meds to the OOP Girls Medicine Cabinet at my RE but it's even nicer to be able to do it for free. Hope someone else can benefit from the coupon too!
Married Since June 2008, TTC Since July 2009
M/c and D&C Mar 2011 at 9.5 weeks, Chemical/MC Jan 2012
2 IUI's with BFN
IVF June 2012 - 8R, 0F, Rescue ICSI gave us a 3dt of 2 (6 cell, 9+ cell), Beta #1: 70, Beta #2: 336, Beta #3: 1188
7/10/12: 1st u/s, 7/20/12: 2nd u/s w/ heartbeat at 7w0d
EDD: 3/8/12
Everyone Welcome! :)
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