Single Parents

Officially a single parent

The past 5 days have gone by in a blur. My big moving day was Saturday. STBX and I both moved out on the same day. It was a total *** show and anything and everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, from movers not showing up, to freak rainstorms, to lost and damaged items. I felt like the process would would never end but that it went by way too fast as well. Looking back I can't believe it took us five days to move our stuff and get our old place ready for the landlord. In the meantime, I've been sleeping on a mattress on the floor and I haven't even had time to unpack a box. But it feels so good to be out of the house. However, I'm not sure if it's psychological or just because I'm exhausted, but suddenly doing it all feels so much harder than it did before. STBX was only marginally involved before I found out about his affair. After that he tried to be superdad, but I still did most of the parenting and care of our son and our home. I had things down and I knew what worked for our my son and I. Now everything is a battle with him. I guess it doesn't help that he's a month shy of his second birthday and teething, but man. The last few days have been challenging. Someone please tell me it gets better??
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