1st Trimester

$ store test users

I've googled and read many OLD posts about faint BFPs but I was curious if anyone here used $$ store tests and if you were able to get a dark line?

I know there is nothing I can do but wait, and that HPTs do not tell you HOW pg you are, but I sure would feel better if I could get a dark line.

thanks for listening and sharing your experiences. 

BFP#1 due 3/5/2007 missed m/c at 10w, d&c 8/2006 BFP#2 DD 6/2007 BFP#3 DS 5/2009 BFP#4 due 4/8/12 m/c at 9w3d, after weeks of waiting for hcg to go down finally prescribed misoprosotol BFP#5 DUE 8/15/13 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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