September 2011 Moms


So, I think that "toddler" could probably be deemed it's own language, right?  Obviously I know that kids can't pronounce all their letters, so they say things funny.  Most of what Tatum talks about, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can understand her.  But I'm wondering if the missing letters are common to all kids or if it varies.  Do all kids take a while to learn to pronounce the letter S, for example?  What letters do you notice LO lacking most often?


Tatum's most noticeably missing letters include:

s and soft c, like "toos" instead of shoes

hard c and k, like "bee-ee" instead of binkie and "dat" instead of cat

sadly, and the one I'm most curious about, r, as in "wat-ah" instead of water, and "moah" instead of more

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