
Did anyone develop Seroma after c-sect?

About two weeks after my c-sect I noticed that the area above and below the incision was very red and swollen, and more painful thatn it had been.  I went to my ob/gyn the next day and he diagnosed me with seroma, a condition where fluid builds up between the skin and fatty tissue after abdominal surgeries.  He withdrew 10 syringes worth of the fluid that day.(which although painful, was better than the alternative, which is to re-open the csect incision and be packed with gauze to absorb the fluid, then go back every day to have the gauze taken out and new gauze placed until all fluid completely absorbed, and then finally get incision closed again!!)  I also had to go back a week later because the fluid built back up--that time was 5 syringes worth.  Went back again today (3 days after last time) and only 1 syringe today! I was wondering if anyone else developed seroma after their csect, and how long did it took for the fluid to stop building up. 
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