Babies on the Brain

That was a close one

So I haven't had my cell phone on me a lot this past month for various reasons and as a result missed four pills in my last pack when I normally never miss. I had some breakthrough spotting and thought I may have somehow gotten pregnant but now I have my full on period so I know that didn't happen.


I do however believe that I did ovulate because this period is not a birth control pill period. I'm having my normal cramps and my normal non pill obscene amounts of clotting and bleeding so I'm pretty sure this period is the real thing. 


The funny thing is now that we know there was a chance there DH and I are kinda bummed that I'm not pregnant! But It's for the best that we wait a few more months, especially since I have my first dentist appointment in over 5 years in a few weeks so getting pregnant before that would be kind of problematic. I NEED to go to the dentist. 

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