January 2012 Moms

Not Again! (AC vent)

Back in March, we had an unseasonably hot day.  Of course, our AC broke that day, and it got up to 85 in here.

Well now it's broken again, in the middle of summer!  It's 82 in here, so at least I know it was working for some portion of the day.  I called the property manager, and they told me they'd get someone out tomorrow.  But they told me to check the filter first, even after I told them we changed it last week.  I mentioned to them that I have a 6 month old, but she said their repair guy was done for the day.  So DS and I have to sweat it out until tomorrow.  My brother does live nearby, but he works night shift with DH, so he isn't around to let me in his air conditioned apartment.

Poor DS has been feeding like crazy tonight just staying hydrated.  He's down for bed, but I predict a bad night.  Grrr...

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