3rd Trimester

Clear Cervical Mucus or Amniotic Fluid?

I'm two days past my due date and was told on Wednesday that I am 2 cm dialted, 50% effaced, and the baby is at a -1 position.

Added to this, I have an external yeast infection (TMI- but I'm very itchy/burny on my labia and clitorus) and have been told to use the anti-itch cream and suppositories from Monistat externally to help clear it out. I have been doing this the two days already.

I've noticed that I've been a LOT wetter down there on top of it all. It's clear and watery, like I'm sexually excited.

Is this cervical mucus, possibly being generated because I'm slowly effacing and dialating? Could it be a really slow amniotic fluid leak? Or is it coming from my yeast infection trying to heal? I've been feeling crampy and having on again, off again sacral pain, but nothing regular to indicate labor.

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