1st Trimester


So, my daughter refused to nap yesterday (stayed in her room for 1hr15 min before she started shouting "mooooommmmmyyyyy I jump on beeeeeeddddd!!!!") then of course woke up 3 times during the night.  Ugh.

I couldn't get back to sleep after her 230 wake up call, so I just read on the couch. Having not slept, I decide a sitter and mani pedi are in order.  

 Pedi was LOVELY...girl doing my mani says..."you ok? You look very very very very tired. You should sleep more." 


NO CRAP.  Thanks for the reminder.  As if I don't know I look awful and am not cranky enough.  Love you too. 

Pregnancy Ticker BFP #1 6/15/09: Blighted Ovum discovered 7/14/09, D&C 7/16/09 8w3d BFP #2 12/4/09: u/s 12/29/09 hb 164 bpm! 01/15/10 heard heartbeat 150's! DD born 8/10/10 7lbs 13 oz 19" BFP #3 7/6/12: u/s 7/24/12 hb 122 bpm!
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