1st Trimester

I think I am riding a *** Storm!!! (VENT)

Ok for starters DH and I recently moved into our in-laws before we knew we were pregnant. We knew it was going to be stressful, but we wanted to cut down our debt from student loans, credit cards, just all of it really. Then about 2 months after being here we found out we were pregnant.  Before we moved in we came to the agreement that I would work for my MIL (she has a business she runs from home) in exchange for rent. So basically we would be living here for free. They agreed, we agreed, things were dandy! They were enjoying time with DD and having someone in the house. 

About 2 weeks ago they came to DH and said we had to start paying $50 a week for misc things. They could even give him a reason. I got pissed because they tried to go behind my back. So we all sit down, I received the whole " Dad doesn't need to be dealing with this" speel when I tried to ask what was going on. So they obviously knew what they were trying to do. So we told them flat out that we already came to an agreement, and if we weren't sticking to that agreement then we needed to move out. Pretty much, we aren't going to get kicked around because you guys didn't think things through. After we said that they said " oh no, no its ok, don't move out, we really like having you guys here, blah blah blah."  Things died down and it was ok. 

Well today FIL lot one of his side jobs. (mind you he has a really good paying job, but likes to stay busy so he has side jobs) MIL calls DH screaming and crying saying we need to pay more if we are going to be living here. And when DH said I don't think so, she got even more mad. She said she couldn't believe we were leaving the out to dry, and all this other really hurtful stuff. Then she asked if we are going to stay living here, or if we are going to move out. We made it really clear that we were going to be moving out well before all this happened because we have a new baby on the way, and 4 people can not be living in the same room. We are barely making it work with three in one room right now. 

So now I am pissed off and stressed out about all of this, while I am not only pregnant, but I have a high risk pregnancy. They still don't seem to get the picture, and we are supposed to have a family meeting (that DH and I arranged) tonight to try to work things out.  I am just completely over all of this, and I am ready to put all of our debt payoff plans on hold to just get out of here. This is all just so stupid, and I am tired of this flip flop game they like to play all the time. 


Sorry to unleash the Kraken, but I need to get rid of some of the stress.  

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