1st Trimester

Not sure if this is correct board... Implantation

I figured that I would give my question a shot on this board, being that many of you ladies have recently found out your pregnant! (Congratulations, btw!)

On Sunday, 12dpo, I had a dark spotting. My AF is due on Friday.

Today I had a bit more spotting, lighter in color this time and a bout of very uncomfortable nausea.

FRER pregnancy tests from Monday morning and this morning are negative. 

Did anyone have any of these symptoms prior to receiving their BFP?
I didn't have anything like this last month.

Other symptoms that may be unrelated, but I'll throw out there:

*Swelling so much at night that I have to take off my wedding rings or it feels like my finger is going to lose circulation.

*Breast tenderness, and enlargement.

I guess what I don't understand is if I am pregnant and having symptoms, why wouldn't there be enough hormones present to show a BFP? Sort of like, if there's enough to make me feel crappy, shouldn't they show up?

I really appreciate any responses!
Thanks :)


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