Babies on the Brain

Newbie introduction

Hi everyone!

I've had BOTB for almost a year, and this is our second month TTC. The first month I had such a strong feeling that I was prego (very bloated, heightened sense of smell), so I got my hopes up and started testing at 10 dpo, and I got 4 BFNs. I think I was just paranoid after spending most of my life trying NOT to get pregnant :)

This month, I'm trying to wait until 14 dpo to test (currently 10 dpo).

DH is more obsessed than I am, and every night he looks over my chart and he's always rubbing my belly saying that he can feel the little bean in there. It's so sweet but at the same time I'm trying not to get my hopes up! I think I'm going to put the Fertility Friend app on his phone and let him chart for me ;)

He wants me to start POAS now, but I don't want to deal with the stress of testing too early and getting a lot of BFNs. I've joked that I'll pee in a cup each morning and leave it for him to test with (LOL), but then I wouldn't be the first to see it when it is positive.

Has anyone else been in this situation? What have you done?
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