Single Parents

Proud of myself :)

I'm 28wks preggo now and have been alone since 21wks..I've done alot of crying, thinking, being name it. I'm at terms that I will have this baby alone and I'm actually happy about it. I have 3 other kids from my ex of 13yrs so my 10 and 7 yr olds live with me and my 13 yr old lives with their dad, we are settled in our townhouse and have been thinking about where I will eventually put the new baby girls bedroom because the 3 rooms up here are in use..I do have a rec room in the basement so I might end up putting my 10yr old daughters room down there, she would have a great space to call her own so I can have the baby upstairs. But for now my room is big enough to have her crib, change table and dresser in there. I got creative yesterday and I made some headbands with things I got from Dollarama :) I watched a tutorial on youtube and thought 'why the hell am I gonna fork out like 10bux for ONE of those when I can make them??' I spent about $6 on the flowers and soft stretch bands and I already had a glue gun, I made 4 beautiful bands! I also picked up a few decal things too to put on my bedroom wall where her crib is gonna be. My mom gave me 4 of the same wooden picture frames and I love the idea of the childs name in the frame (like each letter in a frame) and then hung on the wall with thick ribbon. So I bought some scrapbook paper, 6sheets for $1 and I used different colors as the backround and then I bought a pk of different colored foam sheets and cut out the letters of her name ELLA and I had thick brown ribbon to glue onto the backs of the frames so I could tie them to hand them up on the wall. I have to say that I was in my glory last night making these crafts and I'm really proud of them :) I spent $16 on all the stuff I got yesterday and her little area in my room is finally looking like something to call her own :) I just wanted to share :)
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