1st Trimester

constant worry

i guess i ust need to vent and know that i am not alone. 

since the test turned positive i have been filled with constant worry. i know i felt this with DD as well, but i feel it a lot more this time around. i think it is because with DD i felt pregnant. my boobs were horribly sore, i couldnt stay awake, and i had awful morning sickness. this time around i have NO symptoms, which has just created more worry. don't get me wrong, no symptoms is great - IF everything is ok. but i am so worried something is wrong. i am so worried that when i go for an u/s they won't find a heartbeat. i just have the horrible fear that i cannot shake and i'm so anxious. i think it does not help that when i called for my appt the receptionist was very rude about how early i found out and said "we'll do an u/s to check for viability" in stead of just saying "we'll do an u/s". she just had to add those words, and it created more fear and worry than i already had. i didn't have an u/s that early with DD so i dont even know if she gave me the right information. i just don't know how to handle the worry. i keep searching for symptoms in the hopes that i will feel pregnant. logically i know that some people have symptoms and some people dont. but i just cant shake this feeling and this worry and fear. 

i dont know, i guess im not really looking for answers. just needed to get that out and curious to know if anyone else feels the same. 

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