Babies on the Brain

I just can't be happy for them

My close friend (who's like a brother) & his girlfriend are expecting a baby early next year.  According to her, they were pregnant back in November but terminated it due to financial difficulties.  I say according to her because she lies so much & gets herself caught up all the time.  They are still struggling financially (he won't look for a job), he doesn't want the baby (yes he should of used better precautions, she told him she was on BC), & to top it all off I think she planned this.  His friends & family don't like her because she's a liar, a cheater, & a manipulator but he chose to be with her so be it.  A couple of my friends had babies recently & i'm over the moon ( i'm even one of the babies God Mother). I'm also so excited for all of you (who were strangers to me) who are TTC. Why is it I can be happy for perfect strangers & can't be happy for one of my best friends?
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