Pregnant after IF

Great NT scan, but have a question...

NT scan went awesome yesterday! It was so amazing to see how much they have they actually look like babies and not little dots! haha. Anyway, both babies were on track for growth and the doctor said the neck folds/measurements look great. I'm sure I'll get more info during my OB appt this week, since she said my results would be sent to that office.

My question is this: no one has mentioned the bloodwork that goes along with the NT scan. A friend of mine said I should be having b/w as well for the Downs, mental retardation, etc. I know it is optional, and I keep wavering between getting it or not. But if I am to get it, would the MFM do it or my OB office? I am just confused and not sure who to call....


TTC #1 Since January 2011 Dx: PCOS and Anovulatory April 2012 BFP! Beta 1 5/22 - 1,000+ Beta 2 5/24 - 3,009 1st u/s 6/5 - TWINS!!! A/S Reveals we are Team PURPLE!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image
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