
RCS 13 months after 1st C/S?

Anyone have a RCS relatively soon after a first c/s? DD1 was breech and I had a scheduled c/s. It ended up being a easier recovery than I expected. We got pregnant more quickly than planned and now this baby's breech, too. I haven't felt her flipping around at all. It's like she's firmly planted head-up. So now I'm preparing myself for another c/s, but I'm brokenhearted (for many reasons). I'm mostly concerned with how it will be taking care of my 13 month old. DH will take some time off to be with us and my mom will help a lot. I'm just worried that DD1 won't understand why I can't pick her up or hold her as easily as I currently am (and it's already starting to be a struggle).

Anyone BTDT in a similar situation and have it turn out okay?

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