Pregnant after IF

Hoping I can join you!

Hi!  I'm from 3T and after 19 months of ttc we are finally pregnant!  I found out Sunday and had my first beta Monday, which was 187.  My second beta is tomorrow and I'm really excited/nervous.  According to my last cycle, I should be due around the end of March.  I can't believe all the emotions that I'm feeling!  I am looking forward to spending the next 8 months here with you.  :)

*January 2011-Start TTC * June 2011 PCOS Diagnosed *
September 2011-February 2012 medicated cycles with TI
Birth Control February 14th-March 17th
March 2012 IUI #1, CP
April 2012 IUI#2 BFN
May 2012 Starting Femara and IUI #3 IUI cancelled, tried at home instead. Chemical Pregnancy.
June 2012 Femara round 2 and IUI#3 IUI cancelled, TI instead. BFP 12dpo
BabyFruit Ticker
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