Pregnant after IF

IVF #1 = BFN :( FET next, looking for some inspiration!

Blood work confirmed today our first IVF cycle was a BFN :(  We are very disappointed, everything went so smooth, 2 grade cell 8 embies were transferred, I have no issues and they didn't take :(  Anyway we are staying positive and moving on to our first FET, we have 3 frozen embies from this fresh cycle, as soon as my period arrives I will begin the process.  I am just looking for some of your experiences from your FETs - how many eggs did you have frozen?  How many made it through the thaw?  How many did you have transferred?  When did you get your BFP?  My doc says the protocol they will take is call with my day 1, go in for bloodwork/ultrasounds, BCP, lupron, estrogen and progesterone.  Any experiences would be much appreciated, thanks ladies!

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