
Support person for c/s. WWYD? clicky

I have had two c/s, and my husband was with me for both.

My mom has wanted to come in to the c/s as well, but the hospital only allows one person, and DH was that person for the first two kids.

Well, with this one, my mom has again said how much she would love to be in the c/s with me. DH says that's totally fine, he doesn't really care either way, he knows he'll see the baby a few minutes after she's born. For me, I think DH should be there, since it's HIS kid and it's our last kid.

But he doesn't really care about being in the room and my mom REALLY REALLY wants to.

I know that in the end, this is my decision, whether to have DH or my mom with me, but what would you do?


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