Pregnant after IF

back from babymoon!

Sorry I've been MIA ladies!  My phone (which I usually bump from) went crazy and had to be replaced, and then we were on our babymoon for the last 5 days Smile

We had a wonderful time in Florida, and I got my first prenatal massage...AMAZING!! Looking forward to catching up on everything I missed, and finally starting our registry!

After 5 TI Clomid cycles, 5 IUIs, and 2 IVFs we finally got our BFP!
Beta#1 (12dp3dt)= 353, Beta#2 (15dp3dt)= 1466, Beta#3 (22dp3dt)= 14,139, First u/s: TWINS!!
After 10 weeks of bedrest, our two little ladies joined us at 28w6d
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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