Pregnant after IF

Advice from DE IVF moms to be

Dear Ladies,

I am butting in from the IF board, looking to benefit from your experience.  

After 2 IVF disasters-yesterdays debacle of O'ing before ER being the latest in the string of relentless craziness and bad luck; as well as keeping my very high fsh of 26 in consideration, MH and I had a big heart-to-heart about not continuing our egg banking, and using our remaining funds for DE IVF. 

Emotionally we are 90% of the way ready to do that, and we think that the 10% will be demystified by seeing the clinic and hearing 1st hand that this is our best option for success. I myself dont have any biological family any more, and so genetics is not so important to me. The love I've known from my non-biological family is so great, and I have wanted for nothing as it relates to the loving and caring of my family. MH is not concerned with genetics either, but would love to go through the pregnancy. This is a good option for us. DE is completely anon is Prague and very cost friendly. The technology is 1st rate. We would be matched with a donor, but we dont get to choose her ourselves.

We are doing a 3 day cramming session to learn everything we can (which will clearly only scratch the surface of knowledge that one can accumulate on the subject) and I think we will make an appt with Prague Fert. Cent. to get some first hand information and to tour the clinic. Luckily, its only a 6 hour drive from where we live, and we can make a mini break out of it.

Other than the obvious questions, have any of you that have done DE IVF (I have posted this on and SAIF) or have started researching DE IVF gathered any info or questions that were super important to you or to the process? Anyone traveled abroad for treatment or considering doing so in the future? 

MH and I are ready to get back into the driver's seat in our lives,  DOR and illness and collection disasters - SADNESS has taken over. We are ready to fight a battle we can actually win to *hopefully*  get our treasure... The child we are meant to have. Who ever he or she is and where ever he or she might come from, we are ready to get on a path that can hopefully help us to have our child.

Any and all thoughts would be warmly welcomed and GREATLY appreciated. THANK YOU.

(and AMCheri, I think you and I should talk soon! XOXO)  


TTC#1 since October 2010

"The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be...because of all I may become I will close my eyes and leap." Mary Anne Radmacher

Me:35, 5 major abdominal surgeries for Ulcerative colitis, failed j pouch, perm. Ileostomy DX-DOR & Tubal abnormalities/Extensive Adhesions from earlier surgeries.latest fsh -26 :(

IVF 1- March 2012 Antagonist Protocol; BCP until March 3; AFC this cycle is 10 (Hooray); Start stims on March 9; ER on March 19- 2R; 2T (1 perfect 8 cell, 1 scrappy 3 cell); tubal infection from ER-hospitalized. Doomed! BFN

Essure Procedure to treat bilateral hydrosalpinx; June 2012, wait 3 months for confirmation test.

IVF2 (Egg Banking)-letrozole/antagonist cycle; June/July 2012 225iu merional + cetrotide; slow responder, Ovulated before ER. Unbelievable. Canceled remaining cycles with my eggs

DE IVF in Brno, Czech. Approx. ET on Oct 6 CANCELLED-Essure didn't close both tubes-test again in 3 months

IVF3-DE IVF ET on Dec 9, 2012 (decided to roll the dice no matter what!)

2 perfect HB transferred; 8dp5dt beta:36; 10dp5dt beta 15; chemical pregnancy.

Turning our hearts toward adoption

DH:36, SA-perfect

Married since July 11, 2009

Fur baby Cairn Terrier


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