
My C-Section Story :(

Here is my C-Section Story!! I'm sorry if it is kinda long

My whole pregnancy with my daughter had a few prob. Her due date was June 3rd, and altho NO one thought I would make it that far. June 3rd came & went =( By this time I was so ready for my daughter to get here. ( As I'm sure most mothers are)

I went to the doc the 3th, & choose to induce me on the 4th. I went in at 6:30 A.M, they got started at 7:00 A.M. But sadly, Nothing happy so they sent me home at 7:00 P.M

I was in labor from the 4th up until the 6th =( Around 12:00 A.M on the 6th, I started having contractions that was 3 min apart =) After getting to the hospital, they started having a heard time finding my daughters heart beat. & when they did find it, they would lose it with ever contraction I had =(

They then put a inner heart beat on to the top of her head. They found out that her heart beat was dropping fast and low with ever contraction I had!! (It went from being 175 to 97) that went on 3 times before I was told I was having a C-Section. I was so messed up from the meds, I don't remember my daughter being born =(

I'm pregnant with my 2ed child and is having a planed C-Section 




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