Dads & Dads-to-be

Hey Dads...where are you from?


Just thought I would start another topic since we all have one thing in or kids coming soon.

We live in Southern California, outside of Los Angeles, which means my wife is living through a rough, hot summer in the Valley while carrying our kid. I know it's warm everywhere right now, but LA can be tough. The good thing is the beach is 45 minutes away and it's always 15 degrees cooler there so when she wants some fresh air we make a day out of it and head to cooler waters.

I'm originally from St. Louis, Missouri so I'm use to having seasons and seeing snow, but my kid won't. It's kinda weird, but I'm excited to see him grow up in an entirely new and different environment than what I grew up in. He will actually where shorts in October and November and he may never own a hard core coat with mittens, skull caps and thermals! Crazy.

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