
Suddenly anxious


So I have been going into this third c-section with the thought that I have done this twice and I will be fine. Healthy baby, healthy mommy, that is my goal. Suddenly the last couple days I have had this terrified feeling start to sink in. I am getting panic attacks and experiencing moments of wth am I doing?! I can't figure out why though.

Like I said this is my third round and I know what to expect with the surgery and everything following. My first was a c-section due to lack of progression, (5cm after 17 hrs), the second was supposed to be scheduled but I went into spontaneous labor a week early so it turned into an unscheduled one. This time I have one scheduled for July 10th and think I am going to make it. I just can't make these nerves go away.

Hoping for some encouraging words? Anyone else have crazy anxiety even though you knew what to expect?

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