
Feeling panic over C-section, help!

This is a repost from the multiples board. I'm going to throw my net far and wide for information.Smile

At my appointment today we discovered that both babies are still breech with their heads up under my right ribs and their feet in or near my pelvis. This is the same position they?ve been in nearly all along. Granted I'm only 29 weeks but my doctor said today that I am "chock full of babies" and to fully expect a C-section. She said that chances of a vaginal birth were slim to none as the babies had run out of room (I?m measuring full term already). My doctors will not attempt a breech extraction so in order to get my wish they would both have to turn quite significantly. I desperately wanted to avoid a c/s. I?ve never had surgery and was in my own crazy way looking forward to the experience of vaginal birth so I feel a bit sad and stressed about it all.

For those of you that have had c/s, how long after they were born were you able to hold and/or nurse your babies? I feel like that?s the biggest emotional hurdle for me right now and if I can just get my head around what to expect I might feel less afraid. I had so looked forward to that moment where they place the babies on my chest and I meet them for the first time but now I worry it will be hours before I get to see or touch them. Although I am trying to maintain a positive attitude and look at the whole picture I making myself miserable thinking about all of the possible negative aspects of a c/s. Talk me down, sisters.

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