Dads & Dads-to-be

Hubby's question stumped me.....

So last night we were playing with the Mobi wrap trying to figure it out and the different ties. My husband was very excited about this, he loves the idea of wearing baby vs. caring baby, but he asked a question I have no idea how to answer...

He asked, what should he do, if he is out with baby, alone, with the Mobi, and needs to pee? Is it ok to pee with your kid on front of you? Or does he mad dash it home? What if he has to go really bad?

I told him I had no idea but I would ask the dad board, and see what they had to say!

Help dads, what do you do?

After 5 years of trying to get pregnant, it finally happened!
FET #1: 11/23 Transfered 2 little embryos
POAS 11/29, BFP!!! POAS 12/02 BFP!!!
12/2 9dp5dt Beta #1: 37; 12/6 13dp5dt Beta #2: 130; 12/8 15dp5dt Beta #3: 315; 12/15 22dp5dt Beta #4: 3200
12/16 - Ultrasound #1: 6w1d: 1 perfect heartbeat! EDD: 08/9/12
12/26 - Ultrasound #2: 7w4d: Perfect! HB-160
1/5 - Ultrasound #3: 9w: Amazing! Even a little jig! HR-150
3/1 - Ultrasound: 70% Girl!
3/21 - Ultrasound: 100% BOY!!!! OMG what a shock! Maison Thomas is on HIS way!
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