Babies on the Brain

T&Ps please- for a friend *updated*

My bff was just in car wreck and is in the er. She is 15weeks pregnant and they havn't been able to find a heartbeat with the doppler. She has been waiting on the OB to come for 3 hours to do an ultrasound. Please send good thoughts her and baby's way.


Update: Baby is ok heart rate is 155 thank god. We don't know yet if they are going to keep an eye on her tonight or what yet.

Rylee 8/13/07 Emmett 4/13/10 Always missing our 4 angels TTC our bring home baby since September 2011 Stage2 Endo and PCOS After 6 rounds of Clomid and no Ovulation it is on to Femara and IUI January 2013
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