
For those who breast feed using breast and bottles

I'm trying to figure out how to best go about the night time feedings. LO doesn't get fully satiated with breast milk directly from my breast. I have a feeling its because she gets milk much faster from the bottle. She also dozes off to sleep almost instantly when she's breast fed. Its as if my boob were a drug!

So here is my issue. She will not sleep soundly throughout the night unless she gets supplemental breast milk in a bottle. I just can't figure out how to go about her night time feedings. By the time we get downstairs and heat up water to heat up her bottle she's crying hysterically. Its also a pain in the rear to do that in the middle of the night. We have a bottle warmer that we will try to use but I just read that milk can stay at room temp for a few hours... perhaps I can just bring some milk with me upstairs and keep it cool with a few ice packs. But then I still feel the need to warm it. My next option is to start breast feeding her until the milk is heated. This won't work so well when I don't have help with me throughout the night though...

Any ideas? What do you do at night? 

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