Babies on the Brain

I need some input ladies...confused

Hi guys,

I'm new on here and a newlywed! We just married on May 26 this year and it was the best day of our lives! I married my best friend truly :-) We have been talking about having kids for some time now and now I've hit a bump in the road. Am i ready to be a mother? I feel so, yes, absolutely! Is he? Absolutely! I feel you're as ready as you'll ever be really, you can never be 100% prepared. My hang up is this.....I used to top the scales at 283 pounds and for the past 2 years i have been busting my butt and changed my life completely and have lost over 100 pounds. Thank goodness! Saved my life :-) I have about 15 pounds to go before i hit my goal weight that my nutrionist and I set for me. Just 15 pounds.....I originally wanted to start trying for baby in the fall of this year but now my husband might be going to Afghanistan in October and returning in January.He is 36  and I am 30, soon to be 31 in August. Is it selfish or silly of me to want to reach my goal weight before I want to start trying for a baby? I see both sides.....a baby versus being 15 pounds lighter....yes, losing that would be great but then what...i get preggers maybe and gain it right back. Needless to say, it wont stay on forever  but you get what I mean. We are both getting older (not at peak baby making time, me anyways) And i just worry if I am being a bit silly about all of this or is it a valid excuse to wait. Do we just wing it and stop using protection and see what happens, if I get pregnant then great and if not then i can conitnue towards my weight goal. Is it really worth waiting 2 months or even 5 months (if we didnt conceive before he leaves in the fall. Thoughts? Opinions? I appreciate it! He is fine with either way but I know he is more leaning towards trying now.....he loves me for me as he always says *sigh* ;-)

I'm feeling pretty blessed IAmPregnant Ticker
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