
Any pumping experts mind sharing your opinion?

I'm back to work 3 days a week for two months before going back full time.  So for the first time in 5.5 months, I actually have to pump while away from DS and as much as I've read about this, am still a little unsure that I'm doing it right.  Can you take a look at this and see if this should be ok or if I need to be aware/concerned about anything?

DS nurses for about 5-10 minutes in the morning before I leave.  I try to get him to nurse twice, doesn't always happen.

I'm gone for almost 10 hours, and pump 3x at work for a total of 12 - 15 oz.

I assume, then that DS should be eating at least that much while I'm gone.  But since he refuses a bottle and the first couple days he only took 3 oz via the syringe, he's been eating less than I'm pumping.

Apparently he's taking to the sippy cup (finally!) and took two 3-oz cups yesterday.  I'm really pushing DH to give him at least four 3-oz cups given my out put.   

As soon as I get home, he nurses and again before bed.  Then also 2x during the night. Except the last couple nights he's been nursing a 3rd time and I assume it is because he didn't get enough to eat during the day.  

So, as long as DH is able to give him more on the days I'm gone, and I can keep pumping 12-15 oz, should this be a good amount for my 20 lb, 5.5 month baby to be eating?  

Oh, and on the 4 days I'm home, he is EBF.   

Thanks for your feedback.  ;) 

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