Single Parents

I met a great guy! BUT......

SO.... this last year has been the year from hell. Split with XH, became single parent, close family member died unexpectedly, and then finding out one of my parents has cancer. A few weeks ago I met this great guy! He is very sweet, understanding (I don't get to see him as much as we'd like bc I don't have a babysitter often, and I am not into introducing him to my little one any time soon, and he's cool with that although would like to meet her), he likes to cook, likes to stay busy, not a couch potato, he is soooo good looking, very in shape, we have so much fun together. So whats the catch? He tells me the other day that he has herpes. Now, we have not had any sexual contact at all, and are taking things very slow. But I'm just not sure how I feel about that. On one hand, I'm like omg I do not want to get it, Im paranoid enough about a freakin cold sore.....(which I have never had) But, on the other hand, he was completely honest (a hard to find trait, for sure) and upfront. I know about it now and can protect myself. I have been doing some research and there are lots of couples where one has it and the other never gets it because they are careful, others are not so careful and still don't get it (I would NOT be in that category LOL) I'm just worried I'll get it. There is a stigma (an unfair one, even I'll admit that) attached to it and I am not sure I can deal with it. Say I do get it, well its soooo much more of a stigma to be a single mom with it than it is to be a single guy with it for sure. I am being selfish here, but it doesn't bother me that he has it, I can work around that. I am worried I'll get it, and if we break up, I'll have to tell prospective partners about it, and I live in a small town, so the whole town would know..... ugh. I hate to write him off though, he seems like a really great stand-up guy. He didn't have to tell me at this point at all. So, what would you do? Would you run away, or would you just date for a long time to see if it was really going to be something worth the risk? Keep in mind that transmission while using a condom is still possible, but very low. And also keep in mind that tons of people have it and don't show any symptoms, or don't tell you. So chances are you will or already have come into contact with someone who has it. TYIA [poll]
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