
Waxing and c section scar?

I don't know if I am the only one with this question, but if anyone else gets Brazilian bikini waxes, what do you do about your scar? I am so ready to get groomed down there again but the scar is right below the hair line.  Is it safe to wax over it after my six week check up?
***S/PAIFW***TTC since forever ago....

DH-34-MFI-motility+morphology.... Me-32-Hypothyrpid+LPD

7/8/11: Clomid100mg+Ovidrel+IUI#1=BFN

8/2/11: Clomid50mg+Ovidrel+IUI#2=BFFN

8/25/11: Follistim50iu+Ovidrel+IUI#3=BFP!!!!@14dpo

Beta#1 9/8 - 251 Beta#2 9/15 - 1622 Beta#3 9/22 - 12674

1st U/S; heard one beautiful HB of 129 - 9/29/11

OB visit; HB of 166 - 10/13/11

2nd US; HB of 163 - 10/18/11

A/S - 12/9/11 - It's a perfect healthy BOY!!!!

Our miracle baby boy - born 5/24/12

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