
Spinal + pooping. I'm serious.

So, it has recently occurred to me that since my RCS is at 7am next Thursday, and I will still be all tied up in bed with a catheter in when our visitors begin arriving around 12pm that I could potentially poop while someone is there and NOT EVEN KNOW IT. 

 When I was in labor with my first LO, I *unfortunately* had a couple accidents when I had an epidural. Well, since I was laboring at night, it wasn't a big deal; the nurses cleaned me up, and we didn't have any visitors until the next day when I could walk again and didn't have a catheter in. 

SOOO, I don't know if this is a question, or just an embarrassing  realization, but...seriously, what the heck will I do if I poop while we have guests at the hospital????????? =( 

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