
Will a nursing vacation help now?

My baby boy is 4 months old and we have a great breastfeeding routine down. I work two days a week so I have to pump on those days but I am always able to pump enough for his bottles while I'm at work. I have had a cold for the past week and have noticed a huge dip in my supply. My first pump this morning only produced a total of 3 oz when I would normally get 6-7 oz. I'm so sad and frustrated because the first few months of breastfeeding were such a challenge for me and I finally got to a place where I enjoyed it, and now I'm stressed again. I was thinking of spending the weekend in bed or on the couch with DS and just having him nurse a ton to help build my supply back up. Will that help at this point or is my supply screwed for good? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Edit to add: I've tried Fenugreek a few times and it has always made DS very fussy and gassy.

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