Single Parents

A little vent

Ok so even though I don?t like my ex, I agreed to meet him Sunday afternoon so that he could see my LO on Father's Day. I go to church on Sunday mornings, so I told him to meet me at 2pm. Sunday morning he ask if we were still meeting. I said yes 2 o?clock at Wal-Mart. (I had to get LO some stuff). So I get there on time and go on in and change LO and start my way around the store. He text me at 215 wanting to know where we were. I told baby food aisle. About 5min. later he shows up, takes LO out of the basket and then walks 6ft behind me. I had already done most of my shopping so I walked a little before heading to the check out.

The thing that got me the most is he didn't offer to pay for any of LO stuff and got pissed off because I had to leave to go cook for my family. I mean really. He gets mad at me when he was the one late?

On, a side note his step-mom text me and said to tell my FI that any guy can be a sperm donor. It takes a real man to be a dad. :)


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