Single Parents

What did you/would you do?

My long-time boyfriend broke things off two weeks ago, and I initially asked him if he wanted to continue going to my doctor's appointments (currently 23 weeks pregnant), to which he said, "Yes." Okay, well actually, he said he'd have to talk to his new girlfriend about it first (yeah....), and then he retracted that statement and said he would come. I've been thinking about it, and I'm not sure if I can handle him being there. I really want him to be there for me and especially for the baby, but at the same time, I think it will just remind me of how much I miss him, and how he broke my heart. Not to mention, if he doesn't show up, the anger and hurt I will feel will be unbearable. I'm already so heartbroken from him leaving me, I don't really want to add to the pain. I want to do what's best for my baby, and I know that I do have to learn to compromise with the baby's father, but I just don't know what the best thing is in this situation. I don't really want to go back on "inviting" him to the appointments. Anyone else have a similar situation?
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