
The hard decision

Despite my determination we decided to just formula feed. Yesterday afternoon I noticed blood in LOs diaper and we rushed to the hospital. DH has a history with kidney problems to which he had to have a transplant a year ago, so it was something that we really didn't want to over look. When we got there they said he was very dehydrated and it was in fact blood, not the uric stuff, and to follow up with his physician this morning.

I feel very upset that I'm not able to give him what he needs but going through this change of mind with my first and seeing how well LO is now makes me feel a little bit better.

Only thing now is my boobs are swollen and leaking and hurt like hell. Could this be my actual milk coming in? Could I pump it and still have enough even though he is on formula now? I know these questions should be to a doctor but I like to hear personal opinions.

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