

I would like to continue BFing long past 1, but not really much past 2. 

My LO doesn't eat much in terms of food yet.  We started BLWing around 5.5 months, she wasn't interested.  We tried again around 6.5 months, same.  Around 7-7.5 months, some interest.  At 10-10.5 months, she will eat, but not much at all (compared to friends' babies same age, not BLW).

I would like to wean off the pump (I'm down to 2 sessions and I am still getting enough to freeze extra each day).  I don't nurse my LO in the morning before work, so I am not sure how my supply will do if I'm only BFing 4pm and 8pm (after daycare pickup and before bed). 

I am hesitant to wean off the pump in case my supply drops so low that it's not "enough" for LO.  I am especially concerned since she's really not EATING much.  I know that food is still for fun....but I don't expect a switch to flip at 1yo and she'll suddenly be ordering the surf 'n' turf. question.  For those who did BLW, and BFed, how long past 1yo did you feel like your LO ate "enough"? 

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