
Help - red and sore!

FTM looking for a little guidance. I've been BFing (as well as pumping once a day for DH to do a nighttime feed) for several weeks now. We started with a nipple shield under the recommendation of one of the hospital's LCs because LO couldn't suck or latch (preemie) and also because I have flat nipples. We were able to ditch the shield two weeks ago, and he has been gaining weight well.

Yesterday, though, I started with pain in my one nipple. I tried to get a better latch, which seemed to help some, but this morning when I woke up, my nipple looked raw. It wasn't bleeding - I pumped and there was no blood or pinkness in the milk - but it hurts like heck. Needless to say, I decided to nurse on the other side and just pump that side for today (I'm also using Lansinoh to try to help with healing). Then, when I fed him on the "good" side a little later, I noticed that side was starting to get red as well - not as bad as the other, but it was hurting some, too. So, I decided just to pump for today because I don't want it to get worse.

I'm not sure what this is from - I don't think it's mastitis because I don't have a fever. I had mastitis when LO was 3 weeks old but it didn't hurt as much as is typical, I don't think - because we caught it super early and I started antibiotics right away. So, I don't know for sure what that feels like, but I don't have a fever. Could it be related to not using the shield anymore? We've been without it for 2 weeks and just having these issues now. Or should I go back to see the LC to see if I haven't been getting as good of a latch since we have been without the shield? Or could it be something else? 


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