
Looking for advice to increase supply

 I had breast reduction surgery in 2008 so I knew before having my LO that breastfeeding may be very very difficult for me. My LO was born on 6/3/12 and her birth weight was 7lbs 6oz, while in the hospital I EBF which was a struggle because it didn't seem like LO was getting enough (she was hungry every 45 mins). Her weight was monitored and although it dropped to 6lb 12oz on discharge day I was told it was fine to continue to EBF. The following day after going home we went back in to the Dr for another weight check and LO was down to 6lb 10oz, at this time I was told to begin supplementing with formula in order to keep her hydrated and bring her weight back up. Although I was upset I knew ahead of time that most likely I would need to supplement due to my surgery. At the time I began supplementing I continued to breast feed and pump (I was only getting about 5ml out of each side which was beyond discouraging). I was starting to get really fed up with trying to breast feed, I was so sore and barley getting anything out so there were a few days in there that I rarely breastfed and didn't pump at all. The formula has really seemed to upset her belly and I feel so guilty that I have to give it to her. This past week I have been breastfeeding during the day and offering formula after feeding her to make sure she is getting enough to eat. I have also started pumping again and if I do it right after she eats I hardly get anything but if I wait a few hours I will get about 1 oz out on each side. I would really really love to EBF so I need some tips on how to bring my supply up. My plan right now is to breastfeed as often as she shows hunger cues and then pump after each feeding to make sure I empty completely. Does anyone else have any other suggestions to increase my supply? Also what is a good amount to get out while pumping? I have to go back to work at 6 weeks so I would need to start my freezer stash ASAP. I am really hoping that it isn't too late and that I will be be able to solely breastfeed. Thanks in advance for the advice, sorry the post is long!
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