
Can a c-section affect BFing?

I'm sorry if this has been asked before. DS was born at 37 weeks via c-section after I went into labor on my own, but I couldn't dilate past 4 cm even after having my water broken. Long story short, my milk came in on day 4 after he had lost over 1 lb and at pedi's recommendation, we supplemented with formula. He had a very weak latch and we had to use a nipple shield. He nursed for 40 minutes at a time and it felt like nursing was all we ever did. I switched to pumping, but at 4 weeks decided to switch completely over to formula, as I was having a hard time pumping more than about 2 oz at at time.

Baby #2 will likely be born via c-section as well, and I really want to BF longer this time, but I'm nervous because of how hard it was with DS. Is it possible that the c-section experience screwed with my ability to BF, or is this more of a case by case basis sort of thing? Sometimes I wonder if DS being born a few weeks early caused his weak latch, which didn't do much to stimulate milk production. I don't know. Any thoughts? :) Sorry this got to be so long!

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