
6 week old sometimes pulls off and cries while breastfeeding

My six week old pulls off and cries while breastfeeding. This does not happen at every feeding (thank goodness!!!), but can happen sometimes up to 3 feedings a day. Luckily most of our feedings are good.

I always offer him both sides, and a good feeding consists of him staying latched on and wakefully or sleepily sucking for 5-10 minutes on either side.

The frustrating feedings occur when he pulls off and cries (sometimes screams) anywhere from 10 seconds to 1 min. into a particular latch attempt. I try to burp him when he is crying, and many times get a response, but not always. We will continue to try and sometimes switch to the other side if he just can't calm down.

I can see milk in his mouth so I've ruled out a slow let-down. If anything, I would think it's a fast letdown as I have seen milk spraying out a couple of times, sometimes he seems to sputter on how much milk he's getting, and I can hear it going down his throat. I think he does get gassy, but we burp a lot, I give him Gripe Water for hiccups (could it be that?), and he doesn't spit up that much so I've ruled out any reflux.

He has been doing this since he was about 1 or 2 weeks old. I have tried nursing uphill and laying down (because it doesn't happen during night feedings), to no avail. Walking and nursing is not for me and I don't carry him in a sling or carrier due to neck and shoulder pain. (He always has the right number and kind of wet/poopy diapers and is now about 10 lbs. or more and was 7 lbs. 1 oz. at birth 6 weeks ago.)

I pump once a day from both sides so that my husband has a bottle or two to feed him and I can take a break. For a couple of days, it seemed like any feedings after I pumped went really well, but truly it can happen at any time.


What should I do?

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