
Not sure what to do about this feeding "issue"

DS has started to only take 2 bottles while I'm gone at work.  Yesterday he had about 5 oz while I was gone from 8 am to 5:30 pm! (he's home with his grandparents 3x a week) I did feed him around 7 am before I left, but it was a quick feed after a full one at 6 am. 

As of Monday, he is no longer waking 1x a night either.  He's back to his 1 am, 3 am and 6 am feeds.  Today he threw 5 am in there for fun.  ;-)  I nurse side lying mostly at night and I can't tell if he's waking for comfort or b/c he's hungry. 

He's going on 11 weeks, so I could say it's the 3 mos growth spurt starting a little early, but really he's a ways off from 3 months. He was never a big eater during the day to begin with, but he would have one good feed around 1pm or 3 pm.  

Is there anything I can do to get things back on track?  Do you think he should be eating more during the day?  Should I ask them to offer bottles more often?  I would love to get back to our waking 1x a night, but if that's not in the cards right now, that's ok.  

DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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