Babies on the Brain

XP: Prometrium/water retention??

Because I was low progesterone with my last pregnancy my doctor put me on supplements vaginally as soon as I found out I was pregnant (about 3-4 weeks along).  My first appointment with new OB was today and granted it was a different scale but if its accurate I've gained about 7 pounds since finding out I was pregnant!!!  I have felt extremely bloated, very swollen fingers, and also swelling in my feet/eyes most days.  I expressed my concern to the OB and she wasn't worried.  She said that the extra progesterone causes water retention and I should level out once I get off supplements in 2nd tri. 

Have any of you ever experienced this and level out at 2nd tri? I just feel disgusting and concerned because hoping to keep weight gain at 15-20 pounds and now its like I'm halfway there already!! 

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