
Need input on weaning...

When I first started BFing, I was aware of all the potential challenges and so I kept an open mind and told myself just to go as long as I could.  6 months was really my goal, and despite some struggles (oversupply, breast abcess, antibiotics,etc) I am so happy and proud that I made it past my goal and am at 7 1/2 months now.  DS still nurses about 3 times a day (between 330 and 530 am, 630 pm and 800 pm) and I pump 2-3 times a day at work.  He is in DC and takes about 3-4 bottles a day with solids 3x a day.  He gets formula occasionally, maybe 1 feeding every 1-2 days or when my supply is low because of sickness or a growth spurt, etc.

I feel pretty strongly about BF and it was very hard for me to let him have formula 24-7 when I was going through the abcess/antibiotics issue, but now I"m okay with the supplementing.  I'm not sure how I would feel about straight formula though, in place of BF. It would be amazing to make it to 12 months, but at the same time lately I'm starting to have creeping thoughts about weaning, for several reasons (pumping schedule, nighttime feedings exhausting me,  etc). 

 I'm trying to fight it off and keep going,but I feel like I'm in limbo.  I have read similar posts so I know I'm not alone.  I knew this would be hard and not looking forward to it.  For those who have weaned, can you tell me when, how and why you did it? 

~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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