1st Trimester


msmichelledion did you delete your post about telling the news on Father's Day? Why?!!

I was just replying this:

It's a clearblue digital, so the "pee" part has a lid over it.  I was thinking of putting it in a baggy.  I don't want to get into buying a bunch of baby stuff before I know it's going to actually work out lol.

But you know the "pregnant" only shows up for 24 hours right? So if you have an extra one around you're going to have to pee on it less than 24 hours before giving it to him. I still think it's weird (and I know how it works/is covered as I used that style too), but to each their own I guess. If you don't have an extra you're going to have to go buy one for $9 anyway so might as well buy a fun grandpa thing for the soon to be grandpa.

And like PPs have said, age and health have nothing to do with miscarriages. Many healthy and young women sadly have them.

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